39 products
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Kimono japonais femme qualité
Kimono traditionnelle japonais
Traditional Japanese Kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais femme soie
Japanese women's silk kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono traditionnel japonais
Traditional Japanese Kimono
Sale price€59,90
Kimono japonais femme
Japanese women's kimono
Sale price€59,90
Kimonos japonais femme
Japanese women's kimonos
Sale price€49,90
Tissu kimono japonais
Japanese kimono fabric
Sale price€49,90
Ceinture kimono japonais
Japanese kimono belt
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais femme pas cher
Cheap Japanese women's kimono
Sale price€49,90
Sold out
Veste kimono japonais
Japanese kimono jacket
Sale price€49,90
Patron couture patron kimono japonais
Japanese kimono sewing pattern
Sale price€39,90
Tissu japonais kimono
Japanese kimono fabric
Sale price€39,90
Kimono japonais pas cher
Cheap Japanese Kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais femme traditionnel
Kimono japonais traditionnel femme
Patron kimono japonais femme
Kimono japonais femme court
Short Japanese women's kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais grande taille
Japanese Kimono Plus Size
Sale price€49,90
Peignoir kimono japonais femme
Kimono traditionnel patron kimono japonais
Japon kimono
Japan kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono femme japonais traditionnel
Kimono japonais garçon
Japanese kimono boy
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais paris
Japanese Kimono Paris
Sale price€49,90
Authentique kimono japonais
Authentic Japanese Kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais blanc
White Japanese Kimono
Sale price€49,90
kimonos japonais traditionnels
traditional japanese kimonos
Sale price€49,90
Kimono en soie homme
Japanese silk kimono
Sale price€49,90
Patron kimono japonais
Japanese kimono pattern
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japonais traditionnel
Traditional Japanese Kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono japon
Japanese kimono
Sale price€49,90
Kimono long femme
Women's long kimono
Sale price€59,90
Robe kimono japonais
Japanese kimono dress
Sale price€59,90
Kimono japonais bleu
Blue Japanese Kimono
Sale price€59,90
Kimono japonais fille
Japanese Kimono Girl
Sale price€59,90
Japonais kimono
Japanese patterned kimono
Sale price€59,90
Save €15,00
Kimono femme japonais
Japanese women's kimono
Sale price€59,90 Regular price€74,90
Vrai kimono japonais
Real Japanese Kimono
Sale price€59,90
Kimono japonais ancien
Old Japanese Kimono
Sale price€59,90

Japanese Kimonos: Timeless Elegance

The Japanese kimono is a typical Japanese garment, in fact it is a garment that was only worn by women for special occasions only. Over the centuries, the Japanese kimono has become Westernized and has undergone many variations such as the beach kimono, abaya kimonos and many others.

But today the kimono that is still the most worn in Japan by women is indeed the traditional Japanese kimono!

How to choose your Japanese kimono?

In order to choose your Japanese kimono perfectly, it is important to ask yourself a few questions. First of all, concerning the color(s) of your kimono. If you are a rather discreet, introverted person, we advise you to go for rather simple and discreet kimonos. On the other hand, if you like to be seen and/or you want to wear your kimono for a theme party or other, you can definitely go for flashier kimonos with lots of patterns and colors.

If you are a man, don't worry, we also have men's kimonos.

How to Wear Your Japanese Kimono

At first glance, wearing a kimono can seem rather intimidating and that's completely understandable. You have 2 ways to wear a Japanese kimono, you have the Western way, that is to say, wearing your kimono with a pair of shoes or sneakers without too much hassle like for the kimono dress, or by respecting Japanese culture (by crossing the left side over the right side, wearing white socks, putting a knot behind and wearing nagajuban under your kimono)

If you want to keep it simple we recommend the first method, then if you are a fan of Japanese culture or if you are going to Japan the 2nd method will be much more immersive.